Morandi: Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings, Etchings (Art & Design)

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Individual Artists

Morandi: Paintings, Watercolors, Drawings, Etchings (Art & Design) Details

Language Notes Text: English (translation) Original Language: German Read more


The colour reproductions of Morandi's oil Paintings are very disappointing. The prints didn't "live " at all and have lost the subtlety of colour that characterises Morandi's work. There is little or no depth to the colour. Morandi's deep toned accents suffer and appear thin. Those marvellous flashes of apricot/orange are maddenly deadened. There is often an overbalance of a greenish ochre in the colour print. The textural quality of Morandi's brushwork is curiously flattened and lifeless.Fortunately the Watercolours, drawings and etchings have not suffered to the same extent: although I cannot believe the grey cast that is given to what must have frequently been a variety of white papers.Good text. Informative photographs but overall a disappointing purchase - especially in NZ dollars.

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